趣金魚設計成立於2011年,秉持著「Work Cool , Play Hard」的設計熱忱遊走於生活與工作之間。我們對生活中的鉅細靡遺都充滿了好奇心,任何一點蛛絲馬跡都是我們發揮的創意時刻。我們所承接的業務範疇包括視覺整合設計、廣告CF製作、視覺特效後製、創意產品設計、網站設計建構等各式各樣 的設計委託,我們不只幫客戶解決問題,更希望提出能創造競爭力的務實創意。
GoGOLDFISH Design Studio was founded in 2011 and is always standing on the passion of “Work Cool, Play Hard” for our creations both in work and in life. We are very inquisitive about every detail of our lives. Even something inconspicuous and tiny could inspire our originality. We also take all kinds of design duties, such as Graphic Visual Design, Commercial Film Production, Visual Effects & Post Production, product design and website construction. Not only do we solve problems, but we also provide practical creativity which promotes competitiveness.