吉他尺 ELVIS / Ruler

那一年,拿到生命中的第一把吉他,那六弦的音律無時無刻地在腦海裡跳動著。從基本和弦到跑馬指法的練習,總是徹夜未眠的躲在棉被裡,笨拙的撥弄每一根琴弦。辛苦的一切,只為了那個人、那首情歌,還有破了皮、長滿了繭的手指。剛接觸吉他時,總是無時無刻的想練習和弦和音階,想在最短時間內學會那一首令人心儀的歌曲。上班、上課無法光明正大的拿起吉他練習,那就拿起吉他尺盡興的彈奏吧!吉他尺正面有完美比例的琴格,讓你能夠感受每一根琴弦帶來的厚實感。後面為公分/英吋標準尺規,在當工具之外的閒暇時間,不要忘記曾經有過的夢想,用力的ROCK YOUR WORLD!

That year, I got my first guitar. Those six-stringed notes are still vividly dancing in my head. I could always stayed up all night, hided myself in the quilt, awkwardly played every string, just in order to practice guitar strumming method, from basic one to Phau-ma method. These entire endeavors were for THE PERSON, THE SONG, with my callused, injured fingers. I can still recall that when I had the first guitar in my life, I just want to practice it in every minute, eagerly to learn how to play that beautiful song. If you cannot practice guitar when you are at work or at school, why not use “ELVIS/ruler”!!!