泥豬豬撲滿 BA2BE / Concrete X Candle piggy bank

泥豬豬撲滿為蠟豬豬撲滿的進化版,除了保留前一代撲滿的功能與蠟的運用外, 更結合了水泥材質,將蠟與水泥完美接合,站立時可當撲滿、倒立時可當燭台, 不僅可簡單大方的收納銅板,置於桌面更是賞心悅目、小豬依人。 泥豬豬的前半部由水泥製成,採用特殊的開模技法,將水泥一次灌漿成形,使結構更為牢固。 後半部由全實心蠟構成,兩者依靠卡榫接合,簡單旋轉即可分開。 如蠟豬豬使用方法一樣,由豬鼻子投入銅板, 想要拿出豬豬裡的儲金,這次只需轉動卡榫,即可取出錢來。 簡單將豬鼻子朝下,一秒變成水泥燭台,點燃豬尾巴就可以徜徉在芬香的氣氛中。 豬屁股提供更換款式,有多種顏色可以選擇,讓你盡情的享受火燒屁股的滋味。 In the future, every pig will be light for fifteen hours.

[BA2BE] is the improved version of [BABE]. Besides the function of piggy bank and the usage of wax in the previous version, we perfectly combine wax and concrete to create this new version which can be used as a piggy bank upright or a candlestick upside down. It is not only a piggy bank to accommodate coins, but also a beautiful decoration to cheer you up. The first half of [BA2BE] is made of concrete by a special molding process in which the structure is grouted by cement in one step to become stronger. The second half of [BA2BE] is made of solid wax. Two halves are connected by dovetails, which can easily disintegrate the structure by simple rotation. Its instructions are the same with its previous version. Coins are deposited from the piggy nose. Coins can be taken out by rotating the dovetails. By setting the piggy nose upside down, it becomes a candlestick. Kindling the piggy tail releases the aromatic scent for you to relax. We have many colors and styles of piggy buttocks for you to select your favorite and enjoy the pleasure of “burning the butt”.