iTools / 萬用手機殼、指監 Finger blocker / 手機殼
Client. 5th設計師企畫聯展/smmmart?
Have you ever thought that your smart phone could be more functional with more”real”tools? The functions of smart phone are incredible powerful, but it couldn’t offer you the “real tool”function. So, the design concept of iTools can help your smart phone smarter.
搭載觸控面板的智慧型裝置日漸普及,對著螢幕滑動這件事,對現代人來說一點也不陌生。當人們消耗著大把時間在滑動螢幕,finger blocker幫您爭取出些許喘息空間,讓手機暫時回歸到手機,讓生活回到生活。
People are spending a lot of time on using smart phone nowadays. It seems that using apps and the slide-out gamepad is the most important thing in our daily life. Have you tried to let your fingers take a rest and just make or receive a call? The design concept of finger blocker can help you to spare some time to welcome the nature and enjoy your life.
Designer. Shine Pao